The second Hotmaps training took place in Brussels last week!
A big group of people coming from municipalities, city networks, academia and companies came to Brussels last week for the second Hotmaps training! Thanks to a day and a half of intensive classes, they could familiarise themselves with our heating and cooling planning toolbox. Several trainers were available to introduce the main calculation modules and teach how to use Hotmaps to visualise information on energy sources and build different energy scenarios for a selected area.
Some of the participants expressed their enthousiasm:
EU Affairs Advisor from Aradippou Municipality (Cyprus): “The toolbox supports an integrated approach for public policy”
Public officer from the City of Dunkirk (France): “The Hotmaps toolbox interface is very user-friendly”
Others told us they intend to spend more time on it and use it for their city’s energy planning.
Are you interested in learning how to use Hotmaps? There is no better way to do that than by attending one of the next trainings in Milton Keynes (UK), Frankfurt (Germany) or Heerlen (the Netherlands)!

Hotmaps class in Brussels