The Hotmaps software beta version is now available! This tool allows users to browse through a European map and retrieve information on space heating and hot water demand, CO2 emissions as well as potentials for renewable supply like biomass and solar energy on a spatially disaggregated level. Users are able to select their regions and… Read more »
by Michael Hartner
by Chiara Scaramuzzino, Giulia Garegnani, PietroZambelli
By Sara Giovannini
Prepared by Pietro Zambelli, Simon Pezzutto, Giulia Garegnani, Alessandro Pignatelli, Liise Lehtsalu (EURAC), Lukas Kranzl, and Sara Fritz (TUW) Hotmaps is part of the H2020 Pilot on Open Research Data – a plan established to maximise access and reuse of projects research data. Data Management Plans (DMPs) describe how to make research data findable, accessible,… Read more »
Learn more about Hotmaps tool and approach at the 4th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating in Aalborg (Denmark)
For immediate release Press Release | 19 September 2018 Closing existing data gaps: New heating and cooling dataset available for the EU-28
By Sara Giovannini You have probably heard about the advantages of District Heating and Cooling systems : they increase energy efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions and contribute to the development of a greener economy. But what can be done to foster the supply of renewable and low carbon heat to our buildings ? Our experts just released a… Read more »
By Martin Freire Marseille’s eco-district of Îlot Allar uses seawater for heating and cooling through a new private initiative: Massileo. This renewable technology is likely to expand in the coming years, but what does this mean for public ownership of the energy systems?
Since the beginning the project, Hotmaps was presented at different European events focused on urban planning, energy efficiency and heating and cooling technologies.