Prepared by Pietro Zambelli, Simon Pezzutto, Giulia Garegnani, Alessandro Pignatelli, Liise Lehtsalu (EURAC), Lukas Kranzl, and Sara Fritz (TUW)
Hotmaps is part of the H2020 Pilot on Open Research Data – a plan established to maximise access and reuse of projects research data. Data Management Plans (DMPs) describe how to make research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). Towards this goal, we present the following DMP, which describes the life cycle management of data sets processed or generated during/beyond Hotmaps. The DMP also documents how data types, methods and standards are exploited for verification and re-use and how they are curated and preserved.
Hotmaps’ DMP implements the “Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020 (Version 3.0, 26 July 2016)” and follows the new W3C draft on “Data on the Web Best Practices (31 January 2017)” and refers to their content as baseline for its research and innovation actions.
Hotmaps discusses specifically the twelve challenges for web data publishing brought up by the W3C guideline (key player in semantic web technologies), in particular referring to their harmonization within the project. Providing information on our data and the manual data collection method is a focus of the Hotmaps community, even after project’s completion.
Hotmaps collects data establishing their relation to other Research & Innovation Action (RIA) and Cooperation Support Action (CSA) activities – THERMOS, Planheat, Heat Roadmap Europe 4 (HRE 4) – reviewing all together 26 projects.
Hotmaps will open the data sets used as inputs for the Hotmaps toolbox at EU28 level and open the results of the model and scenarios for the entire EU.
All the data coming from the Pilot areas (WP6) or uploaded by the user of the Hotmaps toolbox platform will be treated as sensitive and confidential data.